Concert for Peace & Love (평화와 사랑의 음악회)

Concert for Peace & Love (평화와 사랑의 음악회)가 5월 15일(토) 오후 7시에 YouTube 를 통해 방영됩니다.

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The Korean Church of Boston (PCUSA)’s Justice, Peace, & Environment Committee presents Concert for Peace & Love!
The aim of the concert is to stand in solidarity with those who are affected by the various issues posed by racism and racial inequality and to raise awareness of these issues to the public.
The musicians have chosen the pieces they played on this concert to share with you what they themselves have felt when they encountered this music: peace, love, comfort, and hope. The concert was performed live on Friday, April 30th, to a limited number of attendees, but the entire concert will be broadcast to all on Saturday, May 15th, at 7:00 PM via YouTube.

The Concert presents Vivaldi, Four Seasons/Tchaikovsky, Serenade for Strings/Rachmaninoff, Vocalise/ Strauss, Morgen
(Jinwook Park, conductor Kina Park, violin Youmi Cho, soprano)

We hope this concert will bring you solace and comfort during this turbulent time and hope for a better future for all.

With peace and love, Justice, Peace, & Environment Committee
The Korean Church of Boston (PCUSA)

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