
Korean Culture at a crossroads

Petal of a flower in the winds


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The year 2013 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Church of Boston (KCB), and its people decided to offer a treat for the people of greater area of Boston as well as for themselves, using the occasion to enjoy beautiful music and performances based on the Korean cultural heritage. And free food!
The year 2013 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Church of Boston (KCB), and its people decided to offer a treat for the people of greater area of Boston as well as for themselves, using the occasion to enjoy beautiful music and performances based on the Korean cultural heritage. And free food!

The event grew out of deeply felt gratitude, on the part of people of KCB, to the generous hospitality of Boston community in which the church as well as the Korean immigrant community have been thriving.

KCB has been hosting the Korean Cultural Festival annually some years back. With this year’s festival, we are renewing our effort to bring quality Korean experience to the people in this area and hope to add more emphasis on the contemporary cultural landscape.

Whether you are a seasoned observer of Korean culture or you just found out about it, we promise you will be pleasantly surprised.

It is not just about music or dance, but also a wonderful occasion to celebrate the generosity, harmony and open-mindedness that characterize the greater Boston area and its people.

There are several friend organizations that present events about Korea, and there are many more ethnic festivals. We hope this event will bring meaningful contribution to this vibrant community and continue to embrace the new while deepening our appreciation of the cherished heritage.

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