1월 20일 주일 예배가 날씨 관계로 취소됨.

교우님들께 알려드립니다.

내일(1/20) 오전 6시부터  Brookline town에서 Snow Emergency가 declare되어, Parking Ban이 되었습니다. 따라서, 부득이하게 주일 예배를 취소하게 되었음을 알려드립니다. 
보스톤 한인교회

Brookline Town Seal

Parking Ban Notification Message

Date:      01/19/2019

Time:      4:00 PM

This is Commissioner Andrew Pappastergion of the Brookline Department of Public Works calling to notify you that the Town of Brookline has declared a Snow Emergency beginning Sunday January 20th at 6:00 AM and remaining in effect until Monday January 21st at 7:00 AM.

Parking will be prohibited on all public ways while the emergency is in effect.


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