A Benefit Concert for the Ukrainian Refugees
Saturday, April 2nd, 2022, at 7:30 p.m.
The Korean Church of Boston, 32 Harvard St. Brookline, MA
In-Person & Online
YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/c/KoreanChurchofBoston
Program <- Click Here
With the love of the Lord in our mind, our heart is with the Ukrainian refugees who have lost their homes due to the flames of war, who are amidst sorrow and pain.
As we pray for the Ukrainians who are suffering under the violence and fear of war, the Korean Church of Boston wishes to host a benefit concert for Ukrainian refugees, to show the Lord’s love and hope to the world.
On April 2nd (Saturday) we wish to raise funds through a benefit concert to offer what little hope and consolation we can for the Ukrainian refugees.
We sincerely request that you join us in this charity and its music of peace. Please, pray with us and take part in helping the Ukrainian refugees under grief and hardship. Thank you.
Schoenberg, “Transfigured Night”
Works by Verdi, Schubert, and Donizetti
Attendance: In-Person and Online
For inquiries: kcbweb2@gmail.com
The Korean Church of Boston (PCUSA)
Peace, Justice, Environmental Committee
32 Harvard St. Brookline, MA
*The collected donations will be sent to PCUSA’s Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to help the Ukrainian refugees. If you would like to make a donation, please write a check payable to “KCB” and write “Ukrainian refugees” in the memo section, and mail it as follows::
Check Payable to: “KCB”
Memo: “Ukrainian Refugees”
Address: The Korean Church of Boston, 32 Harvard St. Brookline, MA 02445
전쟁의 포화로 가족과 삶의 터전을 잃고 슬픔과 고통에 빠져있는 우크라이나 난민들을 하나님의 사랑 안에서 기억합니다.
전쟁의 폭력과 공포 아래 고통 받고 있는 우크라이나안들을 위해 기도하는 가운데 보스톤한인교회는 우크라이나 난민들을 위한 자선 음악회를 통해 주님의 사랑과 소망을 세상에 전하고자 합니다.
보스톤 한인교회는 4월 2일(토요일) 자선 음악회을 통한 기금 모금으로 우크라이나 난민들에게 조금이라도 위로와 희망을 줄 수 있기를 소망합니다.
주님 앞에 드리는 평화의 음악, 기도, 자선 모금을 통해 슬픔과 고난에 있는 우크라이나 난민들을 위로하고 돕는 일에 함께 해주시길 간곡히 부탁드립니다.